Retrospectives: Jordan Crouch

It is coming up on one year since my friend Jordan unexpectedly passed away. I'd like to share a little bit about the Jordo I knew, the impact he had on me, and some thoughts I've had this year without him around. I met Jordan a few months after I moved to Seattle, thanks to the friendship of Kristen and Elise. Jordan welcomed us both with open arms. We all met at a bar, and within minutes Jordan was trying to find an excuse to throw a party to officially welcome us. That's exactly who Jordan was. The most welcoming person I've ever met. He was always ready to listen, and support, always ready to have a good time, and usually encouraging you to do something ridiculous. He loved Jesus, he loved his wife and son, he loved working with youth, and he loved his friends and family. I am nothing short of blessed for having gotten the opportunity to know him, no matter how brief our time was. I love you and miss you jojo. 12-18-1981 to 1-2-2010


A New Normal: Reflections on an Adventure in Haiti

