cultivating theology, retrospectives Charlie Delavan cultivating theology, retrospectives Charlie Delavan

Retrospectives: coming home from summer project

So here I am, finally with a clear enough head and free time to match to go through my notebook and summarize project. I don't think I will ever finish learning from this experience, I can imagine years down the road having a realization and relating it back. So here are some of the lessons I learned:-God doesn't want to change me, he already has, its just up to me to realize how. -I need to make time with God a priority and not expect him to be there when I am not. -I need expressions of love from other people on top of just the words, because for so long I've heard the words from people in my life, but their actions have contradicted the words. -Living a life of humility requires trusting God and others with who you really are. That also means trusting who God says you are, in him. -God develops our character through our relationships with other people. -When i don't get the kind of attention I want from other people, I try to get it through negative means like being bitter and rude. -I've learned to be more aware of myself when I'm interacting with others. -It is important to let people love you on their terms, not just your own. -I am responsible for my own growth, not anyone else. -God loves me just the way I am. -I am not satisfied with or trusting in the love I receive from other people because I don't truly love myself or see myself as God sees me. -God is faithful, even when you don't have faith. -Issues with other people need to be worked out. It does no good to just let them sit unspoken. It will probably be uncomfortable, but God will make it good in the end. -It is important to be aware of myself and my thoughts, and recognize when Satan is attacking. It makes it easier to overcome the down days. -Take a few moments to put yourself in other people's shoes before you jump to judge them.

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