advent is queer, y'all
this is the introduction to a series i am doing through advent 2017
i used to be a christian. i am a theologian. i am also queer. this is a bit of a venn diagram sort of situation, to be sure. but it doesn't take much observation to realize that chrtistian spirituality and queerness do not often exist in the same spaces.
i'm working on holding these two things together. i probably would not call myself a christian anymore, for three big reasons (and several more small ones). first, i have little faith in the institution of the church and think it needs to be dismantled or radically and irreversibly changed. second, i think christians tend to ask the wrong questions of jesus, scripture, and their faith. third, most christians would probably call me a heretic, and that's fine because frankly, i would rather avoid the baggage that the label carries.
these things said, i obviously can't deny where i have been. i have christian language, and i have access to christian spaces. i still have a stake in the conversation. the bits and pieces that i do hold onto make me who i am and inform how i exist in the world. and i don't think jesus is useless.
there are also so many queer, trans, and closeted people with some connection to christianity who are suffering and dying because of oppressive beliefs. i simply cannot stand for that. because i exist somewhere in the overlap of the venn diagram, i feel i have a responsibility to use my skills and training to do something about the pain and injustice that have been caused because of this tradition.
so here i go. i'm starting with advent. because i think jesus is queer AF. and advent is where it all begins.
here's how it will work: each week, i will choose one of the advent readings from the revised common lectionary, and i will reflect on it with an eye toward queerness. this is reflection. if you are looking for exegesis, this ain't it. maybe i'll get to that somewhere down the line, but that is not where i'm going to begin.
i'll post these reflections on sundays. i welcome conversation, but i do not welcome bigotry, queer/transphobia, racism, assholes or trolls.
buckle up. open your mind. pray, if you will. be humble.