walking barefoot
a couple weeks ago i went home to california to visit my family.
every time i go home is different, because my family is growing and changing all the time. my siblings are getting older and becoming their own people in new, exciting and challenging ways.
that i can't be there to see every step of the journey is an ache deep in my soul, but i treasure the moments i do get with them. this visit, i had moments with each of the kids that can be described as nothing short of holy. they were simple, and maybe could have gone unnoticed, but even as they happened i had the distinct feeling that the moment was significant. i wont share the details of each experience, for they are my own to treasure, but i did learn something significant about each of my siblings.
my oldest little sister is so smart. she has a little trouble with math, but who can blame her? she was asked to apply for a program that would challenge her academically and allow her to develop her leadership skills. she would be so great at this! she has so much to offer the world, and i hope that she finds the confidence to step into these opportunities, and find the ones that will give her life.
my oldest younger brother is so considerate. despite the deep hurts and the long road of healing that i know he has ahead of him, he is sweet and kind and thoughtful. when it is just us, he is an absolute gentleman, opening doors, offering to carry things for me and buying me ice cream. i had never seen this side of him, and it gives me so much hope for his future.
my youngest sister is so creative. she has attitude and is clever and funny. she is so excited to be in a class this year that lets her do some acting and video editing. i can see her being an actress or telling stories in some way, if she learns how to channel that creative energy positively. she is always fun to interact with, because she can banter with the best of them.
my youngest brother has the fullest heart. he is fearless and ready to try anything. if it turns out badly, he tries something different. he knows who he is (at the ripe old age of 8) and he's not afraid of judgment or ridicule. he loves, and he's not afraid to show it. i think deep down he believes that if he sits on my lap long enough, i wont leave california for seattle. and it breaks my heart every time.
i am so thankful for these kids, and i love them with my whole self. i am glad that i know them, and that each time i see them i learn more about who they are.