life Charlie Delavan life Charlie Delavan

perhaps i need to rethink this

for the last year or so (off and on) i've had the goal of becoming a runner. this is counter to all that i am at this point. i have never been good at running. i played softball growing up because you only have to run 60ft between bases, then you're done. but there are characteristics about being a runner that i would like to cultivate (perseverance, focus, strength). it is also important to note that my current life philosophy is "go big or go home". naturally, this is the approach i've taken in trying to run, and more often than not i've ended up going home. today i tried something different. i set a more realistic goal. i didn't meet it, but i sure was a lot closer than i have been to any other goal i've set so far. and you know what? i didn't come home discouraged because i didn't meet it. i came home thinking tomorrow i can do better. and in a sport that is highly mental, that's a big deal. so. i'm starting over, with a different philosophy. "go big or go home" isn't going to fit here. "slow and steady wins the race" seems a bit more appropriate. as much as i want to rush it and just be a phenomenal marathon runner when i wake up tomorrow morning, its not going to happen. and i have to put in the work. i have to walk the walk before i can run the run.

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