why I will never be addicted to coffee...
today started out just like any other...
I have been a poor steward of my time and energy, and thus awoke this morning less prepared for my day than I would have liked. so, I attempted to rally for my 8am class and (i wont lie) barely made it through without dozing off.
I have an hour and a half break after that before my next class, for which I had not done the reading that was to be discussed today. I was torn...to take a nap in my car in hopes of being mentally capable to dialogue in class, or power through and attempt to finish the reading so that I might have something constructive to say when the time came.
I decided to power through. how, you might ask? i'll tell you.
I am not normally a coffee drinker. therefore, when I got my medium sized vanilla hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar and sat down to finish my reading, I was not surprised when my foot started shaking a little faster than normal.
it worked, I got through my reading, and I was wide awake and ready for my next class.
but it got me thinking, as I sat there, helplessly watching my foot bob back and forth... should I be relying on an addictive substance for my energy, endurance, strength?
should I not be relying on God?
please don't take this to mean that i'm saying coffee is bad, or that you should stop drinking it because its not Godly. i'm not meaning to make that claim. i'm just reflecting on my desire to find my energy and strength in the one who gives me life rather than relying on an outside substance.
i should confess that i have a very addictive personality. if left to my own devices, i'd be addicted to coffee, fast food, television, you name it. if i could choose, though, i would want to be addicted to being in the presence of God. why don't i get addicted to reading my Bible? why don't i get addicted to prayer? these are things i would much rather be investing in...
...also, i have a wicked case of heartburn.