i want to be a person of my word. i want to "let [my] yes be yes, and [my] no be no". has this been the case so far? perhaps. perhaps not. i have had a personal goal for this last year of speaking more truth into situations. and i've come to a realization. i can't speak truth unless i can recognize truth. and at this point, i'm not too good at it. i'm a very slow processor. it takes me sometimes a day or two to fully internalize an event or someone's words, figure out exactly what happened or was said, and then decide how i feel about it. because of this, it makes it difficult to recognize truth in the moment, and call it out. i'm working on this. processing more quickly. calling out truth (affirming and difficult). i had chai with a new friend yesterday and realized that i've actually grown a lot in this area in the last few years. i used to be so incredibly un-self aware that it would be months before i could tell you how i felt or what i thought about something. i've cut that processing time down significantly. so i know this is possible. and that's encouraging. :D