knowing and loving
it is mind-boggling to me how much the acts of knowing someone and loving someone has changed in recent decades.
in this age of internet, facebook, blogging, twitter, etc. we have reached a point where i can converse with someone, share photos, share stories, share secrets, and yet never see them face to face.
even still, there are people half way around the world whom i have looked straight in the eye, and yet never exchanged a word.
what does it mean to know someone? is it accumulating facts and figures about someone, being able to note how they drink their coffee? is it simply seeing someone, for who they are, where they are? or is it some combination of both?
to take it a step further, which of these types of knowledge can lead to love? these people i've seen and never known may hold just as much of my heart as the people that i know but don't see.
with these different types of knowledge and love, my heart and my mind have started to form this web across the world, linking me with people and places half a world away...
more to come.