do you ever have one of those days?
I woke up this morning in a funk. I was jolted awake around 6 am with a terrible tummy ache. I hadn't had anything to eat since dinner at 5pm or so, but I felt incredibly nauseous. So I lay there until 7:30, in complete terror that I would start dry heaving at any moment. No fun. I couldn't shake it all morning. I got to work and realized that I was late for the meeting that I was told about, but completely forgot. It quickly became one of those days that you just really don't want to be at work. Add to this the fact that its July, and quite overcast and rainy today in Seattle, and the funk becomes even harder to maneuver out of. It is my philosophy though, that life is a choice. So much so that its tattooed on my arm. Here's what I mean by that. To an extent, everyone has circumstances that are out of their control, a hand that they are dealt. This is where i think a lot of people give up. The next step in this is that we have a choice!!! We can choose how we react and deal with whatever we are given. The same thing goes with love, self-esteem, etc. Its all a choice. And its a choice that you have to keep on making, not a choice that you can make once and be done with it. Its a daily or even moment to moment thing. So today my choice is to not stay in this funk. I'm making the choice to get over it. No matter what. Anyone else want to get out of this funk??