do you believe you're missing out when everything good is happening somewhere else?
so here's the scuttlebutt... i've been feeling really unsatisfied with my current place in life. anticipating the future, wishing and waiting for something more exciting to come along. some days i think i can wait it out. others, i want it now. either way, i'm really excited for the possibilities. God has refreshed the passion in my heart. i've been praying for that for a while now. that excites me. i don't want to lose this passion again. so now, with this reunion of self, passion and desire, i have a renewed sense of peace. God's timing is perfect. i'm not ready to pursue my passion yet. God is working in my life to develop the woman he has made me to be. he is molding me, growing me, shining his light into places in my life that i didn't know were this dark. he is moving me to maturity. when God is ready for me to go, i am going to be a missionary. most likely in an urban setting, and most likely overseas. my mission will not be church planting, my mission will be serving, and loving. there is a good chance it will involve children and youth ministry. my evangelism will be relational and through service rather than confrontational. this is my passion. almost 6 months ago, God showed me Isaiah 6. this chapter has been on my heart almost constantly since then. Isaiah is given a vision of God's holiness, then a vision of his sinfulness. once God has cleansed Isaiah, he is given his commission. as soon as i read this for the first time, i knew that it would be my process too. i waited as God took me through this process. it began with a literal vision of God's holiness (ask me about that sometime, it is a very interesting story). slowly, God started to show me areas of my life that are not pleasing to him, and areas that i need to grow in. he started to tell me who i am. though that process is still continuing (as i think it will until i get to heaven), God has been faithful and shown me my calling. i have peace in knowing that this is from God, and that he will bring it about in his time, and there are still steps that i need to take before i am ready to take that leap. there is still growth that i need to make before i am strong enough. but i am ready to begin. :)