family!! was fun...i drove up to tahoe, we chilled on the beach all day, and i fell asleep. Aunt Laura is the funniest person I've ever met. she's all, i think you're just the coolest person because you're young and you have your whole life in front of you. (and keep in mind i just met this woman today) and she says, i live in oregon, if you ever want to go to Oregon State, you can come live with me!! I'm like uhh TIGHT!! and then there's Aunt Beth. Who, as soon as she saw me, walked up saying, OMG you must be Carly. and as soon as she got to me she gives me this hug like i've known her my whole life. and my step dad is standing there going, "that's Beth, she's a hugger". I love it. and i kicked my brothers butt at pool. and on the way home, the only radio station we got was 107.9 right, and they were playing these countdowns, like top 10 guilty pleasures. so we got to hear songs like "barbie girl", "wannabe", and "can't touch this" and of course "jump, jump". i am soo tired now though, so i will go complete my routine of reading some hairy otters, and going to bed. PEACE ALL, i'm moving to a farm in oregon.




Frank Enos Delavan